Kerbside parking spaces will be outlined on 18 streets in Cambridge and Te Awamutu this month to better utilise parking in Waipā’s busiest hubs.
Spaces will be marked out on Alexandra Street, Mutu Street, Walton Street, Redoubt Street, Palmer Street, Vaile Street, Rickit Road, George Street, Mahoe Street, Bond Road, Te Rahu Road and Cambridge Road in Te Awamutu; and Alpha Street, Milicich Street, Duke Street, Gillies Street, Queen Street, Carters Crescent and Empire Street in Cambridge.
The moves follows calls from residents and businesses for more marked parking spaces in and around town centres and additional time limits on spaces in high use areas.
Waipā District Council transportation manager, Bryan Hudson, said formalising parking would ensure maximum use of available parking spaces.
“Parking in unmarked spaces is frequently under-utilised as drivers often leave large spaces between vehicles or sometimes park too close to driveways. Formalising the parking spaces will help to alleviate these issues and will also make available parks much more obvious.”
Hudson said it was important for drivers wanting to park for longer periods of time to park on side streets to take pressure off the high demand parking spaces on the main streets of Cambridge and Te Awamutu.
“Studies have shown we have sufficient parks. However, the idea that shops should always have an available park directly outside is somewhat out-dated. With our growing population, a short walk to the shops will become more common.”
Hudson said drivers should consider using alternative methods of transport where available to reduce traffic in Waipā’s town centres.
Improvements in cycling and walking tracks are outlined in both the Cambridge and Te Awamutu Town Concept Plans, and will be implemented in the upcoming years.
For more information on parking in Waipā, head to
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